Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I fail at self motivation

I've spent the last couple of weeks incapable of doing anything creative. I have no money coming in. I still find it difficult to want to do anything. This is bad.

I'm really hoping that this will go away soon. I need to get making things. Perhaps I have to do the same thing I did when I decided not to be that sad person anymore. Now I have to decide to be motivated and creative. I WILL be creative and motivated. I WILL be creative and motivated.

I need a camera.

The new Devo album is awesome.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

That's right, I'm doing it

I'm quitting my job at the yarn shop. It's past time I do something more fulfilling. What am I going to do? I'm going to design create and sell my wares. I am also going to be teaching knitting and crochet.

What does this mean? My blog will be much more active. I'll be sharing my creations with the world and doing what I love.

Happiness, you WILL be mine.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Doozy of a Night!

So, I broke my resolution to blog once a day for an entire year. Honestly, I think that may be too much anyways, most days my posts aren't very interesting or chock full of content you want to see. I think I may alter my resolution to one very good post a week, Pictures in every post. I think that will help me to deliver a far more interesting and enjoyable blog.

The reason I was unable to post yesterday was simple. I planned on an evening post, and, was instead invited to go out. I rushed out for an evening of fun with friends forgetting precious blog plans. Later in the evening my purse was stolen. It contained my phone (which would allow for mobile blog updating), my keys, my favorite sweater, my grandmother's thimble, my lip balm (I have to get more, it was good stuff), my reading glasses, and various other objects of little value.

this atrocious theft very nearly ruined my night! Luckily I was in the company of an awesome friend, and several decent party goers who kept my spirits up for the remainder of the night. And really, what have I lost? I've lost a thing. Things are replaceable. And though the act is heinous in it's own way, I was lucky enough to avoid any dire consequences. I canceled my cards before anything could be charged to them, and suspended my phone service. I had my Dad bring me the spare key to my car, and I've replaced my house key. Only things left to replace are my phone (I have insurance on it so it will be easily done), and my driver's license.

All in all, despite the theft, I'd say I had a good evening. And I've realized something, last time I had my wallet stolen I freaked out over it much more than I have this time. I think that I've gotten better at handling stressful situations. I've learned that life is too short to let this kind of thing bring me down. In the end, no real harm done, and I'm a few items short. No big deal.

Life goes on.

Friday, January 21, 2011

More Progress

The Doctor Who scarf has hit the halfway point! This thing is nearly as long as I am tall! and it's only halfway done! Holy hotcakes Batman! And this is a slightly shortened version. How long is the normal version going to end up? Yikes!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

My Wisdom Teeth Hate Me

They have chosen to grow in one at a time. They grow in agonizingly slowly. Over the past couple of years they grow in, wait a few months, grow some more, wait a few months, grow some more.

The pain is ridiculous. I've never experienced anything quite like it. The only similar thing I've experienced was when I had braces. I used to have dreams about my teeth cracking and falling apart as I was chewing. My wisdom teeth growing in have also caused me to have these dreams again. Teeth falling out, chewing food and my teeth crumbling. They are horrifying!

I have a mouth ache. Goodnight!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Snow, again.

Ugh. I hate snow. The storm is supposed to hit tomorrow afternoon. I'll be at work. Yay.

Don't get me wrong, snow is beautiful, and there is nothing quite like standing outside watching the little snowflakes fall silently to the ground. I just hate having to go anywhere in the snow, especially when I find I'm in need of new tires.

The Dr. Who scarf is 11 rows away from being halfway done. This thing is long as heck! And this is a slightly shorter version too! It's going to be fantastic when it's all finished! I'll post pictures when I've reached the halfway point. Probably tomorrow evening.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Black Swan

If you haven't seen it, see it.

That is all.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Messy Hands!

Just a little! I've been painting/collaging. It's nice to be doing something creative other than knitting. I'd forgotten how much I like to do collage and paint. The piece won't be finished until tomorrow. Perhaps if I like it there will be pictures!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Dr. Who scarf progress

The scarf is now long enough to be wrapped around your neck! I've still got a ways to go, and my hand is tired, but, so far, so good. This scarf won't be quite as long as the original, because the friend it is for isn't much of a scarf wearer, so, a little less length will make it a bit more wearable for him. I'd say I'm nearly halfway done now.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

More movies and knitting

I am an old lady. All I do is sit around and knit. Well, okay, that's not ALL I do. I do other things. I work, and occasionally go out. But, my favorite pastime is sitting on the couch curled up with my knitting, and watching some movie or tv show. I can't spend much time in front of the tv just watching. I feel too idle. Knitting and film go together. I don't know why, but, they are perfect companions.

I've completed a few more rows of the Doctor Who scarf! I'll have much more done after tomorrow. I'll have pictures! I'm maybe a third of the way done now! Holy crap, a third of the way done and the thing is about 4 feet long. I really agreed to make 4 of these? I am insane.

Friday, January 14, 2011


head ache

Ugh. . .

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Pictures! The lengthwise scarf, and the neckwarmer. I like them both.

I've been working on the Dr. Who scarf again. It's only been a week, but it feels like it's been sitting forever. I began a new stripe! I'll have pictures of it when I feel I've made significant progress.

I bought yarn to make me a sweater. It's purty! I have no clue when I'll get to it though, I've got to finish the Who scarf, and I have a million other things I need to make. I feel a bit overwhelmed by all the requests I've gotten recently. I could knit my ass off for the next month or two and maybe finish it all! But, Busy is good.

I still hate these short days. They make me tired. I haven't been sleeping enough either, and that makes me extra tired. I need a vacation. A week somewhere out in the woods on my own with my knitting would be nice.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


GAH! I'm trying to post pictures and blogger is broken. I have pictures of my lengthwise scarf complete, and a neckwarmer complete. But, alas, it is not to be! I'll just have to post extra pictures of awesomeness tomorrow evening!

I bought yarn to make me a sweater today. It's going to be awesome and purple with red stripes. I've had the yarn set aside for this project for a LONG while. I'm glad I'll finally be able to get started! I'm also still working on the who scarf, and a new lenthwise scarf. I'm not sure I like the colors of this new lengthwise scarf though, I might even start it over!

I still hate winter. It puts me in a negative funk, and I don't like it. I fight against it, but it's difficult. I'm just glad that the days are getting longer again, and even though there is lots of cold weather ahead I have something to look forward to. I love how the days slowly get longer. I love the sun. Someone tell me again what I'm doing on this side of the country?

So, anyone with camera equipment want to help me with a project? I'm thinking I want to film myself knitting something (a sweater maybe? or something sorta large) and then I want to speed up the footage into a short film. Of course, I'd need someone with equipment, and also with the editing ability required. I think it would be fun.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Okay, I lied

No pictures today. Too many internal things going on. Check back tomorrow.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Knitting and Movies

My two favorite things. I'm working on my lengthwise scarf. I'm watching a film called Greenberg. I like it. Ben Stiller and Rhys Ifans.

I'm tired and feeling un-entertaining.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Lengthwise Scarf in Progress

These rows take forever to knit! I'm not sure how many stitches I've cast on, and I don't think I really want to know. I'll just keep knitting away untill it's done.

I bought these crazy needles so that I can try to use up some of my leftovers for something other than fingerless gloves. I'm a bit sick of knitting them... hence, stripey lengthwise scarves.

I really need to get my etsy shop back in action. I have been selling things through Fabricate, and I love it, but, I have some things that I don't think would sell well there. Also, I worry a bit about having too much stuff in their shop at once, their space is a bit limited.

One of these days I swear I'll get around to typing up some of my patterns. I promise!

Untill then, stay classy blogosphere.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Oh Winter How I Hate Thee

The cold, the grey sky, the snow. And no one seems to know how to drive when the weather turns sour. The highway was almost at a standstill. I had to take an alternate route to escape a long drive home. Luckily the route I took was clear, and no traffic.

I'm knitting again! I bought some needles today so I can attempt making a lengthwise scarf. 60" circular needle! The cable is so long, and a bit unruly. I may not be making too many of these things. We'll see how it works out. I'll get back to the Who scarf soon...

Thursday, January 6, 2011

A Long Day

A very long day. I woke up late, I had to rush to get to work. That is always fun. Work was very slow, and full of inventory, my FAVORITE thing ever. It felt like closing time would never come. But, it eventually did. Then it was off the the very belated work Christmas party. I had to rush to make it to that on time. Then, I had to drive all over the place. I had to stop at the bank and the gas station. Doesn't sound like much, but to get to these places from where the party was is quite a trek. And then another half hour to drive home. UGH! So much driving!

I'm so glad to be home. I finished my book, and I may even attempt a bit of knitting before bed. I must say, I'm pretty wiped out. I'm very glad the day is nearly over.

I have to say, if you haven't read Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card, you should. Very good book. I like Card's style. I now feel the need to acquire or borrow the rest of the series. His writing reminds me a bit of Ursula LeGuin, simple and yet so powerful. LeGuin is one of my favorite authors. I'd say my list of favorite authors isn't too long, but, they are all amazing. Ursula LeGuin, Isaac Asimov, Phillip K. dick, Frank Herbert, my favorites. All sci fi writers too.

I especially enjoy LeGuin's work because of the nearly anthropological view it takes on. She uses ethical viewpoints and turns them into cultures. She pits idea systems against each other and then tells a story. I don't know if it's her clear understanding of the ideas behind her stories, or the clashing of two systems against each other, but I love it. She recently put out a new book of short stories. It's one of my favorite pieces of work. The title is "Changing Planes". The premise is that while sitting in an airport waiting for a plane, a bored traveler can accidentally slide into another dimension and visit the culture there. Each short story is about a travelers experience in a different culture.

Wow, I had a thought in my head for another paragraph, and it decided it didn't like me and it ran away.


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Inventory and a New Year

I really do. I think it is the most torturous and insidious part of retail positions. It is especially worse because in my shop, I have to do the majority of it. I work at a small yarn shop. Most of the counting takes place during store hours, and then later my boss adds back in any purchases made after the 1st. I get to go up and down the shelves counting every ball of yarn on each shelf while customers are trying to browse. That isn't so bad. But the back room, THAT is scary. Most of the yarn back there is not organized nicely. I have to try to reorganize as I go through it all. Not all of the same yarns are in the same place either. It's all spread out back there, a bag here a bag there. I can't wait till it's over!

In other news, new wrist brace is acquired. I can now get back to my knitting without fear that it will cause my wrist to ache. But, I won't be knitting again till I've finished my book. I'm a little over three fourths of the way done. I am going to have to acquire the entire series at some point. Used books stores here I come! Anyone know of any good ones in Cincinnati?

I am tired. I feel like the holiday season really wore me out. Work was really busy, lots of things were going down in my personal life, and, the holidays are always kind of crazy. I really feel ready to go hide in a hole for a week or so, and emerge rested and ready to really tackle this new year. Despite my tiredness the year has started well.

I feel like I should be saying things like "this year will be different", and "this year will be the best yet!". Those are the kinds of things people say when a new year starts. I don't tend to be such an optimist. I know that every year brings new challenges and events. I will do my best to take it all in stride, and make it to the next year. I really believe that's all we can do. At the end of the year I'll judge it by it's relative goodness. Hopefully it will be better, but, if it's not, I have more years to come to make good. I will make the best of what life gives me. Bring it life! bring it!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Strained Wrist

So, I've strained my wrist. How you might ask? Well, knitting. Yes, knitting. It sounds like the lamest injury ever. But, I like to think it is an epic injury. I strained my wrist knitting a Dr. Who scarf. How awesome is that?

So, I spent about 3 hours today looking for half of my wrist brace. It has a glovey half, and a piece that goes around the wrist and has a thumb loop. I couldn't find the wrist part. I looked every where I thought it might be. Nowhere to be seen. I saw it not that long ago, and I remember thinking "that's a strange place for that". And now I can't find it! What the HELL? Oh well, guess it's time for a new one. . .

After I gave up the search I decided to read. Ender's Game. So far, so good. I like Orson Scott Card. I also happen to be a big sci fi geek. I went on an Asimov kick last winter and read the entire Foundation series. I also got an awesomely beautiful copy of Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy for Christmas, I think that will be my next read. Though, it's either that or The Penultimate Truth by Phillip K. Dick. Choices Choices. . .

AND now, Futurama with the brother unit.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Dr. Who scarf progress

So, here it is! I think the scarf is now about twice as long as it was last time I posted a picture. This thing is awesome and potentially will drive me mad. But, I love it. Gus, You better wear this thing!

I did finally paint. Though it wasn't last night, I got to it this morning. And I wasn't really painting anything of interest, just playing with brush and paint and getting a feel for it again. It's been nearly 2 years since I've painted anything! I can't believe it! It's good to own paints again.

I've been sortof all over the place today. I had trouble falling asleep last night even though I was exhausted. It's made me very ADD today. I've been cleaning a little (I did laundry! Yay!), going through some of my stuff and chucking things I don't really want and don't really need, and of course a fair amount of singing and dancing around to the music.

By the way, listening to my iPod on shuffle is really odd. It plays a very strange mix of music.

I got distracted. Lost train of thought. Or maybe that was really all I wanted to say. . . Hmmmm. . .

Sunday, January 2, 2011


I was over today before it even started. I guess I'm just in a funk.

I'm going to be doing some painting later if I don't fall asleep before I decide to do it. I'm watching Venture Brothers with my brother and working on the Who scarf. I'll have pictures of said scarf tomorrow.

I don't know what's up, but, I hope this mood doesn't stay.

I hope you all had better days than I did.

< /lame post>

Saturday, January 1, 2011

MythBusters marathon

I LOVE MythBusters! I've been watching just about all day long. It's good for the hangover recovery. MythBusters and knitting. The Dr Who scarf has reached 2 1/4 feet long. There will be a good picture of my progress soon.

But for now, Happy New Year! May this year be better than the last!

I think it's just about my bedtime, but, they're blowing things up....ahhh MythBusters...