Friday, December 11, 2009

lazyness makes a liar out of me

I have yet to get buttons for those neckwarmers. I haven't felt like getting up early enough to go buy them yet. But, tomorrow I have to get up anyways, to go to the post office before work.

I made a sale on etsy! I'm very excited. So it's off to the post office for the set of bangles pictured in my last post. And then off the to craft store with me to pick out buttons. Because there is no excuse for my lazyness (no matter how cold it is outside, I'm still just being lazy).

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Bracelets, snow, and neck warmers

Well, I have taken pictures of many of the bracelets I have made, and I have started listing them in my etsy shop. I'm quite excited about this!

I have two neckwarmers that are just about ready to be posted also, but, they need buttons first! so, tomorrow, I'm off to find buttons before work. And then after work I am chaperoning the mens knitting night at the shop I work at. We all know the boys can't be left alone in the yarn shop, such things would lead to much missbehavior.

In other completely unrelated news, I was able to fit a dress I had made while in school. Which is kinda spectacular, because I wasn't able to fit anything I made when I was acctually in school. I was a bit overweight.

I may start sewing more, If I can find a decent fabric store within driving distance. I'm acctually quite appalled at the lack of good fabric availability around here. I may have to make a trip to the fabric store when I go visit chicago. Plan out all the items I want to buy for, and see how many I can manage to find something to create them with.

And now for something completely different. It snowed today. And I hated it. I'm just glad that it didn't stick, or I would have been miserable!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Major Project ADD

Right now I am having major project ADD issues. I have about 3 main projects I'm working on, as well as several small side projects, and I really REALLY want to spin lately. But I can't let myself, because then I wouldn't do anything else.

Hurm. . .

If you knit, and you haven't seen this book, then you should check it out! It made me feel so inspired!

Monday, November 30, 2009

I've cought the bug!

on the list for today: Plying yarn and setting the twist, wet felting, picking up my check, buying dying supplies, possibly some knitting, lots of daydreaming!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

"I can fit in there, you know why? Because I'm little"

Okay, so, if you hadn't thought about seeing "The Fantastic Mr. Fox". You should change your mind! Mr. Fox really is "Fantastic". And the details on the puppetets is just amazing! I want to be one of the people who knits tiny sweaters for puppets. How does one go about getting such a job?

The yarns pictured are hand dyed by yours truely with kool-aid (yes kool-aid!)and are up for sale in my etsy shop. There are two 100% wool sock yarns, and then two skeins of this great wool silk blend that I just love! I have dyed a whole bunch of it red for a project for myself (which will be revealed at a later time). I have re-opened the etsy shop finally! Huzzah! I'm quite proud that I finally got around to doing this.

I'm currently working on several projects. I have this lace scarf thing that is supposed to be a store model for the shop I work at, Knit On!. I have been working on this thing for ages. But the trouble is I keep putting it down. I get project ADD so easily!

I'm also working on a pair of wristwarmers from this great sock yarn in super bright colors. Once they are finished I will be putting the pattern in my shop! I have also just purchased rovings for to dye, and I am working on plying a yarn right now that is just super! (it's orange and green, and beautiful!). I plan on buying some nice dyes in the next few days, and by next week or perhaps the week after there will be hand dyed rovings in my shop as well!

I have this idea that I want to write up all the patterns I create and possibly one day publish a book. Lets see if I ever do it shall we?

Saturday, September 5, 2009

yeah, I know, no pictures. . .

Okay, so it has been forever since I have posted any new work. That's because it has been forever since I have completed anything. I have started new projects, but I have not finished anything.

One reason for this is I have been away for nearly a month. I had a job in southern California, I did wardrobe for an independent film called Legacy. Then after that I went to Hawaii for 10 days. But I am back now, and ready to start working on finishing projects, and starting new ones.

I am incredibly excited that fall is coming up! It is my favorite season, I love layering my clothing, and fall is the perfect time to do so! I hope to design a small line and sell items on etsy. We shall see how that goes. Perhaps I will have a few pieces designed in time for fall.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

These are my two most recent pieces of embroidery. The 42, was just for fun and for myself. It was featured at MrXStitch The best contemporary embroidery website I've seen. I feel very honored to have my work featured there! Thanks guys over at MrXStitch! The shark week piece was done for my friends over at chicagoland Games only the best gamestore in the Chicago area. This piece was also featured on Feeling Stitchy. I feel so special that my humble work has been featured on two great sites and adorns the walls of my friends shop!

I'm currently working on a piece of crochet, I'm not quite sure what the piece is going to be, but, I have a sleeve and am now working on a neckline. We shall see what it becomes. . . I also am working on a vest of sorts with a big giagantic collar. I was inspired by Crisis Wear, I'm adapting the exo vest to my own liking.


What the hell! everytime I try to put pictures into my blog blogger freaks out and the website freezes. . . . Guess I will have to update with pictures later. . . . *pokes blogger for being mean*

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Okay, so it's been quite a while since I've updated. I have created a few things, I have also been going through some major changes, one of them including relocation. I will post pictures of the newest yarns I have spun, I think there are 2 of them.

I have been itching to create lately, so something new will be here soon. I need to create something new! I NEED to create! But first I have a 2000 word paper to write. . . yay school!

I officially graduate from the International Academy of Design and Technology Chicago, June 20th! I may have a graduation party, not sure. But I'm graduating! But untill then, I need to write my paper for my internship class. It's due the end of the week, so If I post anything here it probably won't be till after then.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

yarns galore!

Okay, so I have a few pictures of the lovely brown/multicolor 2 ply yarn I spun. I think it turned out beautifully! But unfortunately I cannot capture the colors correctly with my camera, am going to have to take many more pictures till it looks right. So this is the only pic I have for now.

I plied the beautiful stained glass roving, but I screwed up. Half of it I plied wrong, and the other half came out in two sections. AAAHHHHHHHH I hate when I screw up. . . I plan on trying to re-ply the first section, and the other two sections I think will be come flower broaches.

I am currently working on spinning up a roving which I bought on etsy from wildhare I quite love the colors, and the fiber is very lofty, but it spins up a bit coarser than I imagined it would. I shall see how it plies up, and possibly I will also ply it with some of that brown romney I have. (I still have so much of that stuff!).

I have a commission to create a funky doll for a friend. That will happen sometime this week. I have it all planned out, but I have to find time to do it. I have been busy working on a film project for which I am the costume coordinator. I'm having fun with it! Turns out I am also going to have to act in it (it's my betrothed's project and he couldn't find anyone else). I like acting, but this is like the 5 or 6th project I've been in, and they could use some new faces.

I am excited about starting my internship on the 30th. That is going to be awesome! I may even be able to ride my bike there, which would be so fun! And I would get in great shape!

Well, thats all for now. More pictures soon!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Working on stuff

I am currently still working on the spinning that is pictured in the previous post. I am working on spinning the second spindle full so that I can ply the yarn! I can't wait till it's all done.

I was trying to photograph a yarn I just recently plied this morning, but the color wasn't coming out right. When I get a good photo that will be going up here.

I am doing costume design for a student film. I am really excited! I don't really have the time or budget to make things, so I will be buying from thrift stores and customizing things. It's going to be great fun because the piece is a post apocalyptic world and so I will be putting lots of holes in things and then "mending" them. Also I may make a pair of wrist warmers with a thumb hole. And possibly a hat. I think I would really enjoy doing more work like this. I think I'm going to scan my quick illustrations into the computer and re-draw them with illustrator and bring them to life with photo shop. I may even be able to add this work to my portfolio. I must think of a way to work it in there. . . .

I start my internship with Vex Clothing on Monday the 30th of March. I'm very excited about that. I will be learning how to make custom patterns there. I can't wait till I can make a pattern for anyone! that will be awesome.

I have an idea for an awesome skirt/dress. I'm not sure which one it wants to be yet. But it will be patchwork-y and have lots of mismatched fabric to make a fll skirt, probably with some messy on purpose seams, and then I'm going to do embroidery on it, and maybe even do some crochet work. I want to do a pocket too, and embroider around the pocket opening. I need to do some sketches first before I decide how exactly to make it look.

I think for now that is really all that is going on. Still working on re-opening of etsy shop. That may not happen as soon as I'd like. I've gone all ADD.

Next post will have pictures, I swear!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

new spindle and other things

So I have been spinning on my new spindle, it is already full with some beautifully colored yarn in a colorway called stained glass. I love the play of colors, I hope when I get a chance to ply it it will look as amazing! My spindle is full though, and I am in the middle of spinning up another plied yarn that is taking up the only two empty spools I have to use for plying! So when that is all plied I will be able to spin another spindle full of the beautiful colors and ply away! I will post pictures of both yarns when I get the chance.

I am still working on that new header for my etsy shop. I have lost the steam in my embroidery engine. I don't have much left to do though, and it will probably be finished tomorrow. Then I will scan the embroidery and do fun things with it in photoshop to make it fit for my etsy page. yay! I like using photoshop.

My cats are crazy. Peanut is sitting on the back of the chair watching me as I type this, and meowing every few minutes. I need to go pay attention to him!

-till next time!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I took a break

Okay, so I know it's been forever since I have posted anything. I have been busy setting up interviews and finishing my portfolio. Last week I scored an internship with Vex Clothing. I am very excited! I have paperwork to fill out next week, and then I can start! I can't wait!

I have been doing a bit of spinning. I just bought a new spindle and some new roving. I am not allowed to buy more roving for like a year, or at least till most of what I have is all spun up! I need to make friends with someone who has a spinning wheel so I can go over there and spin! I can't wait till I am working in my industry (fashion design) and can afford to buy myself some nice things like a spinning wheel.

I am working on a new header for my etsy shop, so that I can have a re-opening of sorts. I have been doing some beading (the fiance bought me more beading thread, yay!) and I have crocheted up a neckwarmer with the yarn that I spun myself. I am hoping to put these things in my shop as well as all of the things that I have hidden away in a box just for such an occasion as an etsy shop re-opening. I have time this week, and I plan on making it happen! I will be posting pictures of my new roving and spindle when the spindle gets here. I'm so impatient!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

The General

I completed this piece a while ago, but took forever to take photos and get them on the computer. It is now hanging on the wall HERE. The recipient was very pleased.

I have no new projects in mind for a while. I have been kinda busy with a search for an internship and a part time job. But I may be posting little projects here and there.

I also have just completed a rug for the kitchen. I am working on felting it. When it is done there will be photographs.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Huzzah for Spinach and Artichoke dip!

So last night I made spinach artichoke dip in my crock pot. It was delicious! I still have tons left over too. I got the recipe here. I love that blog! I used cream cheese instead of the recommended mayonnaise (eeeew I hate mayo). It turned out great. I will definitely be making this again. yum!

I Have completed my cross stitch project, I will post pictures as soon as it is securely in a frame (some time this weekend). I am starting a second project soon, but my house is dirty and I have some school stuff to take care of, so we will see when that happens. . .

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

applesauce and cross stitch

Well, this is my first post ever on this blog. I have decided to dedicate this blog to any craft projects or cooking projects I may want to share.

since yesterday I have been working on a cross stitch project. I am creating a piece that makes me laugh. It is full of cuss words though, so you wont know what it says until I post pictures!

I made applesauce in my crockpot the other day. I'm so excited! It tasted delicious too. I will be making my own applesauce from now on! I got the recipe HERE.
That blog has inspired me to use my crockpot more often! and for more than just soup!