Tuesday, December 28, 2010

various and sundry thoughts and projects

Okay, this is the Dr. Who scarf so far. I have a long LONG ways to go, but, I like it so far.

I'm progressing on my New Year's Eve dress. It's going to be awesome. Zoot (my new dress form) is a bit smaller than I am though, so, patterns are going to have to be adjusted accordingly. Makes for extra work, but, I have a dress form!

I just bought $100 worth of paint and supplies yesterday. I can't wait to get painting again! Oh how I've missed it. I especially am looking forward to multimedia work. I really love to do collage and paint together, and I may even throw some embroidery into the mix.

I'm having a strange sort of day today. I think I've just over caffinated. I was drafting patterns and singing a song about Zoot's ass curve. Yes, Zoot has an ass curve. She actually has a bit of a crack too. And butt cheeks. I don't really understand why a dress form needs these things. But hey, whatever. At least she has a nice ass. Though, her curves do make it a bit difficult to drape properly in that area. I guess it'll just take some getting used to.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

yet another test

Okay, so now I can also post pictures from my phone. Maybe it won't be so difficult to keep this blog up and running.

And, of course the picture is the fabulous Tom Baker as the Doctor. My scarves won't be exact replicas of his, but they will be close. I can't wait to get started!

test test 123 test

So, I CAN post from my phone now. Awesome!

I've decided my New Years resolution will be to blog every day. Because, well, everyone is just dying to know what crafty things I'm up to right?!

First large project for the new year, a Dr Who scarf. I've been commissioned to make three of them! It's scary and awesome all at once!