Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Okay, so it's been quite a while since I've updated. I have created a few things, I have also been going through some major changes, one of them including relocation. I will post pictures of the newest yarns I have spun, I think there are 2 of them.

I have been itching to create lately, so something new will be here soon. I need to create something new! I NEED to create! But first I have a 2000 word paper to write. . . yay school!

I officially graduate from the International Academy of Design and Technology Chicago, June 20th! I may have a graduation party, not sure. But I'm graduating! But untill then, I need to write my paper for my internship class. It's due the end of the week, so If I post anything here it probably won't be till after then.

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